Art of Greatness

AoG #3: Level Up with Alvaro Nunez & Super Luxury Group SLG

February 24, 2023 Fahad Farhat & Peter Torkan Season 1 Episode 3

Join us on this journey to explore all the great things Alvaro Nunez, founder of Super Luxury Group @SuperLuxuryGroup & author of Level Up has accomplished. He continues to fill his life with adventure and challenge the status quo every step of the way.
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All right. Welcome back to The Art of Greatness. Guys, we're excited with another new episode with another very exciting guest for you guys. Our guest today at 29 years old at under 29. He already has written a book. He's done skydiving, multiple dives. He is an Ironman, an athlete, uh, played tennis at a very high level. He's the founder of Super Luxury Group, has multiple masterminds going on, and he's Superman himself. In all honesty, <laugh>, I'd like to welcome Avaro Nunez. Welcome, Avaro. Ah, thank you. Thank you guys. Thank you for having me. So excited to be here today. It is absolutely our pleasure, my friend. I know me and you, we go few years back and I follow you constantly. You are my role model and my man, and I love everything you doing, all the travels, all of that stuff. And, and I always say, you know what? This guy is living life. And I actually commented after your book and all of that stuff with the helicopter. You were going up, I said, I wrote for you. I said, oh, here goes the real life. Superman. There you go. <laugh> <laugh>. That's so funny. So. Funny. You're the best. So it's a good tagline. Yeah, I'll keep it. Thank. You. Keep it brother. No problem. For sure. So how are you? How's it going? How are things in your world, in your life? Uh, where are you living right now and what are you, what have you been up to lately? Well, I mean, as, as Peter say, you know, trying to keep it exciting, you know, we have only one life, so trying to make the best out of it. I'm currently based here in Miami. I'm originally from Madrid, Spain. So I had to choose a destination or a place that I can call home here in the states of Miami, I think is quite a destination.<Laugh>. It is, yeah. Correct. And that's something you manifested such a long time ago, right? Uh, it's something that you wanted for years before you even moved to Miami. And I think it was so exciting going through your book and the book guys is called Level Up. I'd like to put that out there and we'll mention it a couple more times. Uh, I've read the entire book. It's absolutely incredible. And it's amazing how you've been able to accomplish so much in such little time. And, and it really shows how persevered you are, how resilient you are, and how you've been able to overcome these obstacles. Uh, so had you always wanted to write a book or was this something new? Because at 29, let's be honest. This is No, no, no. What I wanna know, how the hell did you do it? <laugh>? Yeah. How, how do. You write a book little for an hour? These things? <laugh>. I mean, look, the, the book itself is just, um, uh, I guess an example, right? On what you can accomplish, uh, any age. And for me, the book, it was not just, oh, let's write a book. No, it was more of a process that took place until I got to that point. And that process was getting involved with the people that were seeing my journey, because that was getting exciting. It was people saying, oh my God, this exciting, this is something that is wow. And, and I wanted to just put something out there that would also show the raw me. You know, not just me skydiving, flying helicopters, doing all these crazy things, attending red carpet. I wanted to show the real me. Cuz there is a lot behind the scenes that a lot of people don't see. And unfortunately, or fortunate, we live in a world where social media, it kind of showcases only the good side of things. So for me, this book, it was more a way of connecting with the audience that I've been building over the years. Also good project, personal project to open up to myself because a lot of those stories that happened through my early stages, those are stories that I don't think about them that much. But when you go back into those stories, it shows you how far you've gone and then through the process, how much your mind has expanded. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because, no, when I was 17 moving to the US I was not planning on writing a book <laugh>. I had different plans. Now it's just about always having a vision. And when you follow that vision through, by taking action, perseverance, and also by surrounding yourself with people that are also dreaming big, your mind keeps expanding. So your vision keeps morphing, you know, to something even more big and exciting. And I mean, in my case, I just follow something that I'm passionate about and Bye. How long did it take you to write the book? Uh, one year. Okay. And, and as we're on the book, you have a lot of great quotes in there. Uh, could you mention one of your favorite quotes and one of your favorite authors as well while you're, uh, while we're on, while we talk to topic of this book right now? Yeah, yeah. I'd, I'd love to know which one cuz you, you called, you might have a figure, someone every single chapter. Yeah. And I've been through the entire book. Yeah. Yeah. And I listened to the last, like 45 minutes this morning to make sure done, ready to. Level up my friend. Come on. Fuck. Yeah. We're, we were born ready to level up. That's it. Uh, so. Oh, no secret. With that process with the quotes, which quote resonates most with you and which author potentially resonates most with, most with you, uh, on a book's perspective? Well, I started a book with a quote and I also finished it with a quote that I really love by Oprah Winfrey that says, the biggest adventure you can live is to live the life of your dreams. And that's what I live by, you know, and I will say that as anor him or herself, I will see Tony Robbs is somebody that had a big impact when I started to get more into books at the beginning on early stages, just to kind of shape my mind a bit. But definitely you just acquire different knowledge and different golden nuggets, how we say, from differents and different books. Like, I try to keep it as a habit now where everywhere I go, whether it's for a run or I'm driving or I'm cooking, I always try to plug these airports on and start consuming information through Audi Audible on, or audio books in generally in platform where you can just listen to those books, apply what you are listening to, into something that you can do today. Cause a lot of people consume information and they don't do nothing with it. And it's just like an overwhelming situation. I always like to call the 32nd rule, which is after I'm done with any meeting, any lecture, any activity, I take 30 seconds to write down the most important thing. And once you become used to do this activity, then you're gonna start developing this superpower where everything that you do, you can summarize it and condense it to something that is actually valuable. So every time I'm done with any lesson or I'm listening to an audio book for two hours doing my run, you know, after I've done, I'm like, write the things and apply them right away. So you write down what, how, how that, what that adventure or what you read or what you listened to, how did it make you feel? Is, is that what you'd write down? Uh, the or the, or you come up with the, the, what do you come up with, you condense it for yourself, how do you, what, what is So, so do you go visit these things back because I tell you why I'm asking this question because I saw you, uh, did a challenge on, uh, your Instagram that you walked for 12 hours. Am I right? 12, 12 hours straight mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And you started at nighttime or the morning and, and when you came back and you wrote down a whole lot of, uh, things that you, that you, that that came out, came to you and those feelings mm-hmm.<affirmative> that your thoughts and those, those emotions that you were having when you were, you know, do doing a journey of 12 hours and finding yourself and finding what your meaning is in life, or whatever the case may be. And I read them all by the way, and I love that. Okay. So, uh, because, because, because what I believe in, I, I, I just wanna touch base on this. Uh, we don't think the thought we, we don't think the thoughts, the thoughts are gets downloaded from the ether to us. This is what I believe in. I don't know if I'm wrong or right, but they all coming from outside sources. So tell me about that and what do you do with that? You write it down and how does this thing come to you and comes together with you? Because you wrote it beautifully and I loved every, uh, the point that you made on your journey. Thank you. So tell me about that. Well, there is different angles on how to look into it. I will tell you straightforward how I start my day and how I resume when it comes to the thought process of acquiring information and also connect deep with your own soul and your own mind. So the power of the thoughts, I think is just one of the most profound things to, to work towards. And every time I wake up, I go through my vision, you know, I have my vision, I'm clear of what I'm aiming to accomplish in my life as it's already present. Then I start reading and listening. Cuz everything I have is actually very funny. I, I mean, can't show it, but <laugh>, it's highly activity I have on my vision folder where have my vision, my wife, my will of life values. So I have like a whole sequence of things that I follow that I listen to myself and I'm reading at the same time. So I already supercharged my morning mm-hmm.<affirmative> by getting clear on my mind what I'm doing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So after all of that, you know, I do, I call it my 10 step morning routine, which you can find it on, on the book. But just to summarize what you were asking, I think that right now, when you face anything in life with an intention, your mind is already plucked in, in that frequency. So you just need to listen to yourself because sometimes we are just looking for the answer or the answer. We already have it within us. So that 12 hour walk was a great challenge that, by the way, my friend Colin o Brady, he has the book himself, which is a great challenge, a great book, and himself is a great individual that has broken a lot of war records. So he encouraged me to go and do this challenge. And it was interesting to see how, as you are disconnecting from everything mm-hmm.<affirmative>, you connect mm-hmm.<affirmative> again to yourself mm-hmm.<affirmative>, because we are surrounded by so much noise with your phone already, nonstop messaging and Instagram and the other thing, uh, people talking to you. And there's a lot of distractions. So once you have an intention of what you really wanna accomplish out of the quietness or the focus of just being present and being connected to yourself, then magic things happen. So I was just letting my thoughts come to myself as I was having an intention already of what I wanted that to be. And it was beautiful. But you also affirm, right, like the, these are your affirmations, your vision boards kind of right alongside with your affirmations mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Yeah. And I, I wanna say out a quote, and I'm gonna paraphrase it a little bit, uh, and Alex or Mosey said this, he's like, affirmations aren't just the things that you yell in the mirror, but the things that you do that stack up over time instead. So like talking about that, I think there's a lot of people that think they can wake up in the morning say, I'm gonna be the number one agent. I'm gonna be a keynote speaker, I'm gonna, uh, speak for Grant Cardone, I'm gonna go do Ironman. Yeah. I'm gonna go run a half marathon and then a marathon and complete it no matter what. Which by the way, for those who don't know and haven't read the book, he's done all this, he's done it <laugh>. So he ran a half marathon without any, uh, without anything like, had no idea, didn't even know he'd finished, and then ran a full marathon couple weeks after that. The half marathon was just like a semi prep that he showed up, up to <laugh>, had no clue even if he'd finished and you were in shambles after that first one. So talk to us a little bit about that mentality and the actual work that goes into it. Cuz I think everyone thinks you just affirm, you write some good shit down and then everything's just gonna happen. No, there's a lot of, uh, a lot of the work that goes in the middle to achieving what it is that you want and how have you really done it right? Because you've, you've done it early on from the judo to, um, to tennis move, right? Like you were deciding whether you wanted to mm-hmm.<affirmative> Go into judo or tennis, and you kind of manifested that into tennis, got to a fairly high level, um, into like that semi-pro college playing for the university's colleges and, and just walk us through that from early life and then how that's really helped you going into the later part of life. Uh, and then of course, we're gonna talk about s slg towards the end, and that's gonna be a bulk of it as well. But I really want to get an idea of how you've manifested those things early on and how your brain is wired to do this and just make shit happen day in and day out. <laugh>, <laugh>. I mean, you said it right there, nothing happen overnight. You know, a lot of people think that, oh, that overnight success, but it really takes pain to 20 years to see that overnight success. So I always call it the compound effect, right? Anything that you start doing and stacking on it, which is what you were referring to, eventually it will start paying dividends. So yes, you can go crazy and try to do something right away, but if you wanna really build something efficiently, and that is long-lasting, you need to start investing every day. Discipline, consistency, build those routines and habits. In fact, you were talking about the marathon. I just run one this morning, you know, <laugh>, and, and now it became more like a, a regular thing. I do it one every week and we'll talk about challenges later on. But the reason that I'm doing this, by the way, it's not like, oh, I love running marathon. I'm actually preparing for the toughest food rate in the world. It's called Marathon des it, six marathons in six days across the Sahara Desert. And you need to carry your own food and your own things for the entire week. Yeah. You talk about that in the final chapter, right? That's the marathon you're talking about in the final chapter. No, what I'm, I'm talking about the Ironman journey that I did mm-hmm.<affirmative>. But in the book, I also say about some of my massive goals, which are goals that I was working towards, or that I have in my mind. And as you can see, a few months later, I'm taking already into action. And that's what makes the difference between those, as you said, Peter, that dream and don't say, you know, they they talk too much, but they don't take action as we are looking into, okay, what is it that I want to do and what are the steps that I need to take to get there? So I always call it the reverse engineering. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like, this is my goal, what do I need to do backwards? And break it down so that it comes to a point where it's so tangible, it's like, oh my God, it's not that crazy. No, it's not. Logical taking those steps. Yeah. It's just, just next logical step. Yeah. You just, it just happened. Yeah.<Laugh>. Yeah. And you know, just like, uh, as was saying, everything started from a position of, okay, I want play udo tennis. Like I was just a kid, you know, I thought that I had like big conditions or or, or dreams I was just following kind of like a, that my parents helped me set up, which is, okay, you go to school, you train every day in the best academies of tennis. They provided well for me. And then afterwards I had the decision to make whether it's okay, I wanna be a professional tennis player, do I wanna continue with Udo? Do I wanna discre everything and focus on studies? What do I wanna do? Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And at some point you need to also make that decision. And for me, unfortunately, or fortunately, I always like to see things that it happens for me, you know? And, and I think that at that point, when I was 17, 16, when we were having this huge economic crisis, and my father had a heart attack, and he became a very successful entrepreneur, developer at an early age. And at that point we ended up having to, you know, change our lifestyle. We lost it all. He got to the point of, of, you know, almost dying. And it was a very tough situation to face at home. And for me, I no longer had those expectations or excitement to wanna proceed becoming a professional tennis player, because the truth is that all my friends that were also trained at the best academies, they were a bit older than me and an injury took them away from becoming some kind of successful or professional tennis mm-hmm.<affirmative> and making a living out of it. So there's a lot of different things that you are not guaranteeing that can happen. So in my case, I said, okay, this is a risk of taking a few years to just investing in coaches, traveling and so on. What can I do that will not just be, okay, goodbye tennis, you are nice to me, but how can I leverage tennis? Everything that I've already invested my time on this mm-hmm. <affirmative> and my energy on my family, all the financials so that I can use it efficiently. And that's when I looked at the solution of going to the us building myself as a potential, you know, entrepreneur, which I am Absolutely. And still still be using tennis. And that's why I And I ended up coming here getting a tennis scholarship. But the story, and, and we were talking about it Peter as well, is that not all beginnings are glamorous. You know, I didn't go from Spain here to Miami, sexy city,<laugh>, and then all of a sudden I started to, you and make it rain. No, it doesn't work like that. You know? So for me, even though that's what people see nowadays on my social, which by the way, I'm not gonna lie, I, I do have this living, you know, not just, I'm just posting it, but there is something, but. Your living life for you, you're not living life for anybody else. Those are just exactly, those are just the images that comes out. And then you are enjoying it for yourself and the world, whole world is get to see it, and the whole world gets to enjoy it. And those people that are small minded, maybe not, they won't, but you are not doing it for other people. You are doing it for you. And that's the key, you know, you did whatever you have done to your real life. You, it's your accomplishments, which are staggering and, and outstanding. It's for you. It's who you are wired and who you want to be and who you want to become in the future. And, and, and, and, and I give you props for that, my man. But. It's also the struggle, Ray. Well, thank you. And, and it's also the struggle. I don't think people realize all the things you went through. You had to pretty much figure out where you were gonna go because you didn't get your visa, so you had to leave the US and then you end up going to, um, and, and we're fast forwarding quite a bit, but you end up moving to the Dominican and building a company there, which was kind of the foundation of, uh, of s slg. Yeah. But even prior to that, I think I wanna go a little bit before that and talk to you about your experience in thinking outside the box where you pretty much coached. Um, I, I believe it was, uh, it was someone's kid. You coached them in tennis to end up getting something in return and basically a meeting a month, which helped you become the director of operations eventually and helped you get a job as a marketing coordinator. And really, like. He knows everything about you, by the way. It's scary, <laugh>. I know. Like, yeah. You know, <laugh>, But it, it's not here anyway. It's all there. It's all there. And I think, like, talk to us about that, about being able to figure out, okay, at every step of the way, you've been able to pivot at some point in time or think outside the box to see what it is that you're going to do. And I think that's that mindset, right? That people need to truly take away. I, I love the cars, I love the skydiving, I love everything, but I think it's really what makes you, you and people will have an even more newfound respect for you and for everything that you've done once they read that book. That's why I really wanna touch upon the struggle as well. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Um, absolutely. Yeah, go ahead. And I think, I think it's fantastic by the way, because everybody just sees the, you know, the successes and all the glance and, and it's like, oh, wow, okay, very cool. But they don't connect because some people are not at that level. So they are automatically just feel like, oh, whatever, another one. However, once you start showing it in a way that it inspires others, it also connects better through a story, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and as you said, the mindset is, it's so powerful. And, and you, Peter said something important, which is about doing it for yourself first. I was always determined to make my dreams come true, even though I had a smaller vision at the beginning. But that was my vision at first, you know, and he was doing whatever it took me to get to that point. And that's just, uh, an example on how you can level up in life to always look forward towards something that you're passionate about, that you can always keep front center, that you have a big reasoning behind, and that's your why. And then to stay determined and committed to do this every day. So afterwards, if what you do inspires others, because you are actually putting it out there, great. I started to look into a higher fulfillment when I in other people's lives. At first, it was just very small. It was just for me, maybe for the close family members, but I didn't think farther than that. I was not thinking on becoming this entrepreneur that could impact millions of lives. Not at all, you know? But now I'm in a position where through the platforms that I've built over time mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'm having a higher reach. So why not to use that in a very positive way so that people, even if it's just one person that says, oh, look, I just signed out for this, or, look, it helped me to do that, or which I get these messages every day, and it's so empowering and so beautiful to see that something that I posted or that I said had a strong impact in somebody. Absolutely. And that's what, at the end of the day, you need to keep on developing, but your mindset needs to be clean and clear. So that's why the struggles that you were talking for had are the, the reasons that you start getting acquainted to really what is the meaning of your life. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what's the purpose? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because a lot of people that get a lot of quick successes, they might not be mentally right, and they just blow their money away. They do things that are not really impactful mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and maybe it's rewarding for them at that stage in their life, but it's not really having any positive consequences in the future. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. So for me, it was about turning my obstacles into superpowers, which is the subtitle of the book. And I ended up first moving to Silver City, New Mexico, <laugh>, a very small town that nobody even heard of. And that's where I ended up getting my full scholarship mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because I didn't speak English, I didn't have any other, uh, financials at the time to be able to go to a D one and pay that 10% that it was missing on the scholarship. So I ended up going to that school, and through that journey, I ended up building values that I didn't have before. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> and values such as humility, empathy, you know, because my first job was in maintenance. I was picking up trash next to the dorms on the tennis courts. And I'm supposed to be the guy that is the captain of the tennis team that comes in to race championships and that everybody's betting on. And now I'm here, you know, trying to make a living to make an extra cash on the only job that was available, which was in the maintenance department. And everybody asking me if I was punished or what was the reason behind me being there. So that eventually through those situations, and again, first year I broke my foot, they canceled my scholarship. I was in, it was in a situation that it was very interesting. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I share all of this in the book, but fast forward, if you keep your vision front and center and you have a big reasoning behind, like, my why was not to just go to the US to have fun, you know, I had a bigger why, and those are the things that drive me forward. And eventually ended up moving to Miami and <laugh> start building the American dream that I had set up at first. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And as a, as everything happens, you know, sometimes everything comes to an end. And in my case, everything that I was building, which led to become, as you said, had the director of operations at a startup and working my way all the way to get a, a sponsorship to stay in the country and all of this. I didn't get the visa. I had to list a lot of people said, go back to Spain, you can, with the amazing resume you've built over the years, you can land a good job. But that's not exactly what I wanted to do. That was not part of my vision. So I had to find a different alternative. And when you are always in the lookout for opportunities, and you are keeping your front center on your strong values, your why, what's your, your vision at the end of the day? And you start keeping, uh, I love to say the will of life as my mainframe of how I look at life, right. Because a lot of people put so much effort into one area of your life, which could be your career, or your financial, or your social or your spiritual. Cause I've known also people that have gone that route and there is, they're gone, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So a time, you know, like a frame that, and I'll explain to you about the will of life, by the way, which is a really great mind frame to to keep in mind. Because if you look at the will of life, it's like, I'd like to hear that little will that you have, you have little will that Ava help you advance in life if you have, uh, an area of your life, one of those wheels that are flat, yes, you can advance in life, but it's gonna take a little bit more of effort. If you have two wheels that are flat, it's gonna take even more effort. And it will get to a point where, yes, life might be, you see, there might be no issues going on, external issues, but then one day, guess what? There's gonna be, uh, big financial crisis. Somebody in your family is gonna pass away. You're gonna have an injury. You're gonna have these obstacles that all of a sudden become this big hill that you need to climb. And if your, your wheels are flat in certain areas, it's gonna take more effort. But if you look first at your will of life, and you are put in effort and pumping each one of them, you're gonna be well prepared to advance in life. And that's what I always looked into. So before I said, oh, I wanna become an Ironman, or I wanna, I, I said, okay, okay, I, I wanna do these things, but I'm also working on big challenges in these other areas. So every year I have a huge set of goals that represent each area of the will of life. And that those challenges, those goals are gonna have a huge impact towards helping me achieve and reach that vision. So it's all, it's all like an equation that that works, you know, towards the future. But it's exciting. It's something that it creates this fire inside, and that's what makes you jump out of bed and go for it. And it's just beautiful. Amazing. I love that. Absolutely love. Yeah. And I think that kinda leads us into building this brand, palms and Villas, right? And that was the first entrepreneurship role Um, after you leave the United States, you get to Dominican, uh, and you identify this opportunity where you don't need a lot of capital, and you can now go to owners of properties that are just sitting there. So kind of walk us through that. How did you come up with that? Is that something you came up with family, uh, because your family was in the Dominican at that, right? Your Yeah. Your parents were there. Yes, correct.<laugh> it was an interesting transition because from being a 22, 23 year old, leaving the American dream, having really an amazing job and having everything that I ever dreamed of already happening to me, I was like, wow, this is amazing. You know, everything I wanted the waterfront home, the six figure salary, the, the, the, the convertible Audi that I really wanted, all these things, you know, they were happening. And then all of a sudden I didn't get my visa. So obviously the owner of the company said, sorry, we need to let you go. We need somebody on the ground. There was no such thing as working remotely like there is today. So I had to leave. And at that time, my parents actually did move to Dominican Republic because of the situation that we all had to face in Spain. They said, look, let's do a fresh reset. Let's go to Dominican Republic. My father was an architect and developer, saw some opportunities in there. My mother was doing real estate, so they were starting to build something. And through that process, one of the properties my mother sold, it was purchased by a person that said, look, I'm not gonna use it more than once or twice a year. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So would you mind, or could you rent it short term? And I, at, at that point, I was supposed to be the marketing genius on the family. Cause marketing has always been my main focus. Yeah. So my mother said, look, why don't you come to Dominican Republic? Check it out, because everybody else was saying, go to Spain. And I said, oh, no. So I ended up going to the dr. And funny enough, that was when Airbnb was starting to grow as an international entity. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And there were not really that many listings in the DR in the Caribbean per se. So most people that used to go to the DR at that time, they were going to the old inclusive resort. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they were not going to stay at a villa. It was not such a thing. Now, what I realized is that as I'm looking into this property, I look at the ones next to them, and they're all empty and beautiful, villas, beachfront, waterfront, like, and I couldn't believe that nobody was there. And I understand, okay, maybe it's lower season, but still like empty. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, you kidding me? So I started door knocking just to find out what was going on. And just the gardener was opening, maybe the mate or, but, or nobody, but no owner whatsoever was there mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And they were telling me, well, they're in Russia, they're in Canada, they're in Europe, they're in wherever. And I said, okay, could I speak with the owner? And I started to introduce myself at this company, and again, marketing is my background, right? So I started to present myself efficiently and to offer our services how we could rent their property short term, so it will become an income producing asset, and that we will also manage it and take care of it while they're away. They liked the idea. That's how I got into this whole real estate business. And it became very lucrative because that was my first step towards something that I found very interesting. And I grew up with everybody in my family, in the real estate industry. So I, I had always that passion, but mm-hmm. <affirmative>, an architect didn't make sense for me when moving to the US because then if I graduated as an architect, I would not be able to be an architect in Spain. So I, I never knew if that was the right move. So I always focused on business marketing, but with that background of loving the houses and all of that. So it was very beautiful to see how all that all the sudden connected. And I always loved to say that it's about building a vehicle that allows you to live that lifestyle that you're looking to have. Yep. So I always vi, I always visualize, okay, what's the vehicle that I need to have in order to live my desired lifestyle? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And this was exactly the vehicle, you know, it's okay, I'm doing what I love, which is marketing. I'm in an industry that is exciting, that I always have like, passion for it, which is the real estate. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, I'm getting to meet amazing people, because guess what? Those people that rent those houses are great people. Correct. And then I get to travel because my vision was not just to stay in the dr it was to expand. Now the, the ingredient that was missing, and it's, okay, cool. Like, everything sounds fun, but how do we start <laugh>? Right? Like, where do I, where do I lease this properties? Yeah. Where do I, and, and yes, you can start listing them in Airbnb and, and, and start doing some marketing. Some do better than those that were barely starting. So it became a very organic way of receiving clientele. But I said, look, I wanna play a dick. I wanna go towards the best, best homes in the island and get clients for these properties. Again, who is better acquainted to have that type of clientele, that those that have already done it mm-hmm.<affirmative> in other destinations. And that was my first thought process is, okay, if I wanna work with Bill Gates, if I wanna work with Will Smith, who do they use mm-hmm. <affirmative> To rent these villas when they travel. And I looked at the biggest companies at the time, luxury trading spirit. And so, and then what happened is that we build that partnership with them. Because what I saw is that there was a unique opportunity, which is that in their portfolio, there were not homes in the dr. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, they had no properties in their portfolio. So same way that we were presenting it to the owners, we were presenting it to this company saying, Hey, this will be an amazing asset for you to put in your portfolio, and we will be working as your local partners. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we will take care of everything. We will represent your brand, we will represent your clients. We will take full care of it. And the way that we presented it, it was very professional, they liked it. So we ended up building those partnerships and it went great. And that's when I started to get a taste of what real luxury was and the demands of these people at that level. And I liked it. I was like, this is cool. You know, it pushed me to, to expand my knowledge and to really understand more than just the property itself, but the experiences, the lifestyle. And at some point I was like, all right, it's time to grow baby<laugh>. We cannot play small. And I wanted to become that big company. I wanted to become the ones that we had because I realized I was carrying like amazing people coming in, and then they were gone. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I was like, okay, bye. Yeah. See you never, yeah. Yeah. But what I realized is that there was, uh, another opportunity there, because these people travel and keep traveling like myself, you know? Now at this point I've traveled as well, but these people travel all the time and they go to similar destinations. They go to the Jet set location mm-hmm.<affirmative>, south of France, visa,<inaudible>, sambar, and all these different places. So I said, okay, let me take a moment to start traveling a bit, building these partnerships and start building a brand mm-hmm.<affirmative> that will attract this clientele and that these local partners will like to associate themselves with. And that was the whole story on how the beginning of s LG started to take place. Love. That's amazing. These are the foundations of S And I really like the story that you tell in the book about, uh, about your grandfather. Uh, can you talk a little bit about your relationship with him and how the S slg name came to be in your trip to Madrid? I believe it was <laugh>. So it. If you brother, we're not just asking you how your, your social media is, as you can imagine. Right? So we are really bringing those words out of your heart, brother. Just give it to us. <laugh>. Yeah. That's, that's a beautiful, it's a beautiful, it's a beautiful question because it really goes to my heart, because as you said, VAHA, this is not something that I will take all the, all the, all the, how do you say? All the good job, Albert. You know, good pat in the shoulders. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's not, it wasn't, it wasn't me that came up with a name. In fact, he was my grandfather who was a person that I fully respected. And that inspired me. In fact, he was not really my biological grandfather. Mm-hmm. But he was with my grandmother since I was a kid. So for me, that was my grandfather figure. And he was a marketing genius. He also did the American Dream as an Italian. He came to the us, he moved to Los Angeles, he became an actor producer, and then he became a consultant and did amazing things for big companies. In fact, the visa term, he's the one that came with it, the term Coke, he came with it. Wow. And he was awarded the highest owner in Italy by the president. So he was telling that really, really had an impact on the way that I was trying to always be creative. And at the time when I wanted to take that leap of faith and that next step towards becoming an international entity, we were still, as you said, p and v. We were in the DR company, in the DR trying to keep this international model going. But who wants to pay a company in the DR to go to Visa? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, nobody, neither the local partners understood. It's like, okay, well you're in the dr. Like we needed to become a centric point, a sexy headquarter that people will look and respect and be attracted by. So I already had that in my mind. And after all the traveling, I went to Madrid, which is where I'm from. And I had a meeting with my grandfather, you know, I was telling him about this whole thing that I was working on, where my passion was heading and what my vision was. And he was very excited about the conversation. He pulled up a napkin out of his jacket, wrote something folded, passed it to me. And he said, you're in the right direction. Everything you're saying makes total sense. Cause I told him I wanted to move to the US mm-hmm. <affirmative> and build it. He said, nothing to tell you everything. Fantastic. Go for it. And don't let anything stop you. My only advice. It's in the name. It like this. And I opened it and that was the name Super Luxury group. Even the logo, like everything. So, so I was like, whoa. And, and it collect. I was like, huh. And then he went ahead and explained why Super luxury group and all that, but you know, because it's all about the group, the community, not just me. And so they had a meaning behind and I loved it. So I went into the States cuz to become an investor, uh, visa holder, you need to go through a lot of things. But first of all, it's to have a business already established, which is kind of crazy. But, so I went in as a tourist to the US to establish the business. And I was so excited, so determined. I'm like, I'm gonna make, I'm gonna make it happen. And I, I went to the us I established the business. I started to look for everything that I needed to do to make it happen. Cause you need to hire people and so on. And then when I was gonna call my grandfather back to tell him about it, he didn't pick up. And I found out right away that it was right at the time that he passed away. Oh. It was my last conversation I ever had with him. So that's why that last conversation I had with him was him passing me that napkin. So it's a very powerful moment that will always resonate with me and that I will always carry with me. I just got chilled all over my back. By the way, we have no doubts that he would be more than proud with everything that you've done. Right? Absolutely. He's watching and he, he sees everything you've done and everything you've And we're, you're headed cuz you're not done yet with s slg. This is just a, this is just, you're just getting started baby. It's nine. It's what whatcha talking about actually. Insane. Right? Like, alright, le now s slg coming to the US and we won't go into, you know, uh, fiance leaves you like, fuck man. Like, uh, let's whatever. Let's, we're not going that positive. Yeah. But we're gonna go towards like, you overcome all these things and now you've started S slg and talk to us about getting that first, um, property transaction, that like 22 million transaction that you got cuz that was that first. Oh yeah. Big one. So talk to us how you kinda get there and how you're using the, uh, foundation of p and v now, building it into S slg and utilizing that to now build a brand out, reach out to um, reach out to some of the top people that are there that have some of these clients. And now you become the mainstream go-to place. You want a yacht, you want a helicopter, you want this, you want a 20 million house, we will take care of everything. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So talk to us about kind of the business that you have and, uh, how you really built it and where it's at today. Okay. No, see, I mean I'm, I can speak about this all day. I love it. You know, that's, that's what I'm passionate about. And it comes back to what we were discussing, which is about building that vehicle. Okay. What's the vehicle that will allow me to leave the lifestyle that I'm craving, that I want, or that I'm passionate about? And in this case, it was about having a little taste of what these guys were doing when they were renting these villas that I found fascinated. I'm like, wow, I really wanna have this lifestyle too. It's so much fun. Because guess what, a lot of these people, they were inviting me to join them. Why? Because they love the energy. I'm the guy that makes everything happen. You know, like I'm always like, okay, reservation here. This, this is like, it went beyond just renting the villa. So it was a fun experience at a young age to be surrounded by all these great experiences. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But I'll tell you that that was the taste that made me understand that I had the, what it is called the imposter syndrome. Which I was thinking that I was not supposed to be there like I was, cuz I started to kind of trying to play a part. But I'm like, I, I cannot do this. You. Weren't believing. In yourself 5 26. Like I cannot afford to live this life. Like I'm just serving them. So, but then I, as everything progressed and I started to implement more the new business model that we had at that time, because same thing goes here. It was about leveraging what you have. I didn't have money, so what do I have? Okay. And then start being creative. And in this case, I didn't have years of experience. I didn't have the money, I didn't have like different resources. But if I could play it smart, it could be a hit. I mean it was at that time that I started to become the big company with the local partners. So I was no longer relying on these big companies to send me clients. Now I need to figure out on my own. I'm like, how the hell do I get all these big clients? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like I'm, I'm, I'm working as like I'm this big brand and I'm working with local partners, sending them clients and working together. But how do I actually get these big leads? I don't know anybody. Like I'm just starting, you know, <laugh>, who do I know the guy from Silver City, New Mexico. I don't think that guy can afford it. So I started to look into different resources on what we do to reach that level. And it was very strategic because if you look at your target audience, okay, will Smith Kim Kardashian, who are the guys that we wanna work with, right? These celebrities, we are always a couple people away from knowing that person. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. So it's like how can I create that bridge to reach those guys? And at the time, influencer marketing was starting to become a thing. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, but not even in real estate. It was in the beauty industry. Right. Like just models or, or influencers. Which they were not even considered influencers at the time cuz it was like a new work. They were just promoting products and their social and mm-hmm.<affirmative> engaging with their community. So I said, look, it will be such an attractive method to offer them to stay at a villa and do whatever they do plus promote the home and we can start branding these villas and it will be a different marketing angle on how we can celebritize homes something that nobody's doing. And it took a little bit until some of the owners started to agree on taking the chance of doing it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> because it was presented as like, look, this property doesn't rent a hundred percent of the time, the occupancy rate is 40% and there is always downturns where it was, it's still attractive to bring people, but it's not the season. So may at the beginning of the season where people usually go maybe in June to Ibiza, we will bring them in May and we will invite these influencers to stay and then we will have the property getting promoted. We as a company get promoted. My personal brand and connection started to start building as well. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> and guess what? The ultimate clientele that we were looking for, which was following this influencers started to see our content start. We started to build these relationships and that's how the whole ecosystem took place at first. And then it was just developing by on its own, right? Like our pillars of our business is luxury homes, luxury brands, influencers, and high network individuals. So all a sudden we just started to plug in everything like, okay, we have three or four influencers in this beautiful villa. Let's reach out to the yacht company, let's reach out to the, uh, car company. Because it started to become that social currency where everybody wanted attention. Attention is one of the strongest currencies. So everybody wanted the attention, the exposure. So we already had access to all the beautiful things, the product placement, the millions of followers through these people, the sexy lifestyle. So it was just like plugging in and guess what? Guess who was paying for those villas? At the end of the day, with everything that I was looking through those years, the high network individuals mm-hmm.<affirmative>, they wanna rent the villa, they wanna host, they wanna have the beautiful woman, they wanna have the fancy cars, they wanna have all this whole thing. And some of those high network individuals are celebrities. Some are just like big entrepreneurs. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But that was ultimate clientele. So it worked out well. And then when Covid happened and everything shut down and you know, we started to keep on transitioning the business model and developing it. Right. Because this was something that, it was just at early stages when we were, um, building s lg and it was not something that we were doing for sales, it was more for the rentals. But when Covid took place and we had to readjust everything, Miami became a really exciting destination to be. And a lot of activity took place when it comes to real estate. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. So long story short, same business model was applied towards the real estate in Miami. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, which is had to change the way it was marketed. And one of the things that, by the way, if you have questions, ask me. I'm just telling you this because it's uh. We love it. We'll love it. We'll love it brother. Keep going. <laugh>.<Laugh>. But no, but, but, but you know, cause I'm not used to speak really that much. I'm the one always. You, you wanna always ask him the question. Now, now the shoe is on the other foot buddy. The shoe is on the other foot. It's all pulling out. It's all coming out. I'm. Ready, I'm ready now. But to be honest, it was a very fun, exciting early stages. And then when everything happened with Covid and the whole traveling shut down. Yeah. It was about adjusting and real estate became very popular here in, in Miami. We had activity and so on. But when I went on my own after splitting for my business partner, I had to decide, okay, how can I really myself with no experience on real estate, with no credibility in this case mm-hmm. <affirmative> because yes, I'm known as a guy that can get you amazing villa in places, but I'm not the guy that has done real estate. So how in my first year, how did you do it? Yeah. Can I really take off and and start selling those multimillion dollar homes? And everybody was telling me the same thing. Oh, you know, like step by step, start with the same thing like some rentals, but here in Miami and slowly start building your clientele and, and start posting things about real estate. And I said, okay, cool. And then a lot of people, you need to know the market. Know the market, know the market. And I was like, okay, great. Great, great, great. Taking notes. Taking notes. Ok. Done. Got it, got it, got it. Renting knowledge. This is okay, got it. Small market. Sorry. Okay. I got the formula. Yeah, I got, I got the formula. Okay, let's go. Excited, let's try this. I started to print out all the maps of the neighborhoods I wanted to specialize on. Okay. I live in a building where I face Star Island, then I see hibiscus, Palm Island, Venetian, which are the sexiest. And actually right now the prices nev neighborhood in the country. So I said, okay, I'm gonna make that my target because I've been already. Yep. So at least people will connect the dots. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? So I started to go with that approach. I printed everything. I started to make an Excel sheet of, cause everything is available in the US right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> in, in the dr there was access to nothing. You had to door knock and good luck. It's, it's like Canada. You have access to everything. Yeah, yeah. We don't have anything. About, you can know. It's not public knowledge. Yeah. It's not easy to find phone number. So in the US you guys can type in a street name, you get all the owner names, you get uh, their phone numbers and you can just start cold calling right away. So here we have to go door to door and you have to knock. Oh. My God. So that, that's fine. You know, here, you can't even know when the cut was born. Like it's crazy. You can know. Everything <laugh>. So. So, you know, but, but it's great because then I was like, okay, good. So I started to do this Excel sheet with the team that we had and it's like, okay, this is our activity. We need to know who's the owner, who's the agent, if there is an agent, how much was it sold, how much is it asking right now? Who was the interior designer? Who was the architect? Who was the developer? Which Who is the company that does the landscape and the gardens and who is the like, everything, everything. I had to know everything. And I started to create this master plan. Okay, this designer is the same designer for this house, this architect, this one. So everything, all the addresses for each, and I had these huge maps printed in my bedroom. I still have them. It's like amazing. And, and every morning I was like, okay, here. So I was preparing myself for the war. I wanted to be the most knowledgeable guy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So at least that lack of experience, I will put it through the knowledge that I'm acquiring now, right? Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, because doesn't matter if you're 10 years in real estate, if you don't know nothing. Yep. So, and believe me, there is people like that <laugh>. So I, I, I was like, okay, I need to gain cause knowledge is power. And I got deep into that. And finally I got my chance. I got my chance. I was, you know, already in a, in a circle of people that were very affluent. So here and there I met people that were interested because Miami was super excited. Destination for people to, to come and, and then rent. Cuz a lot of them were renting first and then check in and then eventually buy. So those, that was my game plan. It's like, oh, easy. Now, when I got into this opportunity of having to find a $5 million home for somebody that asked me, I was like, wow, 5 million not that bad. <laugh>, who was telling me this rental thing, okay, that one is out of the door. I wanna focus still on the knowledge, but focus on this property. And I started to show properties to this person. I'm very knowledgeable, you know, like, oh, you know, like this house was designed by this guy who's also doing this by, the guy was impressed. So he already trusted me through the process because he knew I knew my shit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, now we do this for weeks, we start looking houses, everything is great. Eventually we made an offer. They didn't accept it. He was playing locus over, he was overpriced. And he tells me, look, after I need to go to The Bahamas, uh, let's take a, let's take, let's put a hold right now. Let, let's resume when I come back. Okay, great. I left. I don't wanna bother too much. Hey, hope you enjoyed The Bahamas, by the way. Check out this place. I, you know, like always adding value, like you're staying at this place. Oh, you need to contact my friend. This has this great, the guy comes back, I reach out. Hey, by the way, this great property came out. Like we should, it's off market. We should Oh, no worries. Overall, uh, I, I'm just under contract right now, and in my mind I'm like, I'm like, oh, great, great. Congrats. Amazing. So I'll put you in touch with No, I said, I said, okay, tell me more about it. I'll put you in touch with the lawyer. Let, let's get rolling. And, and it's like, no, no, don't worry. Ever. I got it all. And in my mind, I'm still like naive thinking, oh, we're, we are a team. You know, like, we're doing this together. So like, great. But tell me which properties. Like, well, you know, like, I started seeing this girl and then she just got her license. She showed me this property, so yeah. Great opportunity. So I'm just going and, and doing that. Oh. Geez. And I'm like, I'm like, okay, good. Can I meet her? Like, don't worry ever. Like, but, but the next one or, or, you know, I'll keep you posted to. And I was like, wow. So in that moment, it was such an eye opening. I said, okay, there is no trust here. I haven't built my name as somebody that people will just go back to you for all these things. I need to play a different game. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because I started to look around and all these girls were getting licenses. Everybody was having a license. Everybody around you had a license. Everybody was a realtor. So it's like, okay, this is not the brand I built. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> to now become another fish in the sea. I don't wanna play that game at all. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'm out, I'm out of all this different stuff. I need to rewrite the script. Whoever gave me that script, fine. You can spend 20 years until you get to that point. I'm not playing that game. And I decided to go a different route, which is, who are the ones that are selling the 20 million homes? Okay, good. Identified. Okay, great. What do I do for these guys? How can I start attaching my brand to their brand? How can I start elevating myself as not just a guy that knows, but also that looks presentable and has that authority Perfect. Because I'm attaching my brand and my name to these homes. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> marketing, same thing. You know, I started to offer what I've been doing on the business model, but to these guys, because guess what, there is one thing about this. Super successful real estate brokers have big, big egos. Most of them, you know, they love the press, they love exposure, they love. Ask Peter about his ego. I'll tell you all about it. I'll tell you about Come, come on. And, and these guys love, you know what they all love to say? They're all like, I don't have an ego at all. I'm like, yeah, you fucked. Do, hold on. I I have a realistic ego. It's a very, you're very different than regular ego. I explain what the difference is. Real estate ego. Let, this is a teaching moment. Sorry. The realistic ego is about getting bigger for my sellers, bigger numbers, bigger uh, deals, bigger prices for myself. That's what I call a realistic ego. Like I'll, I have a massive fucking real estate ego. I do <laugh>. I love it. And you have to have it. And, and what my massive mo uh, massive ego means, means I have to get more money for myself. Always. 100% my ego. That's Yeah. Yeah. No doubt. So <laugh>, there you go. That's it.<Laugh>. That's it. Whoever, whoever says otherwise, they're playing too low. I have also an ego, but it's different. It's how to, like you said, how you can channel that ego. We. All have it. Whatever you're doing in Yeah. It's pride. You know, you wanna be pride of what you're doing. You wanna achieve more, learn more. You wanna, okay, somebody's like doing something better. Oh shit, how can I get it better? You know, like you're on your own road, you're building yourself, but it's always about, okay, how can I get better? But also what's going on around mm-hmm.<affirmative> so that I can push even farther. Like always look at whatever is around you as a motivation to try to do it better. Cuz the mentality is different. A lot of times growing up I saw this mentality of like them trying to put it down. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, when I look at things now, it's like this abundance mindset. There's so much for everybody. We just need to look at, okay, this guy is doing great. What is that person doing that is making that person so great? Okay, good. I'll apply that and I'll get better. Boom. And then shit, I see somebody doing something. Oh wow, I need to start moving. Like, I, I cannot be sleeping. So it's a different type of ego and I agree with you. So. Those big guys there, hold on, hold on. I wanna ask a question two things. Before you ask me. Yeah, yeah. Because we, we. Two things there. Time, uh, one is, uh, C N E I that you mentioned in the book. It's funny cuz I've been using this for like a decade, continuous, never ending improvement. And two is, which goes in turn with one, is guys look to others replicate and duplicate what they're doing. You don't need to recreate the wheel Sometimes, especially in our business, there's someone already doing it. Well, but do not compare yourself to them. Look in the mirror, that's your opponent. You want to be better than the person you were yesterday. And if tomorrow you're better than the person than you are today, you will continue to compound that and be the best that you ever could. I can't go compare myself to a Peter Tokin. I can't go compare myself to a Barry coin. I'm me and I know I'm as good as they all are, if not fucking better. I'm comfortable in my skin in what I do. You are, but it's not. And you are amazing. Anyways. Like, it, it's just about facing your individuality and learning about yourself. How do I improve Andre? Be critical of yourself. Yeah. Pat yourself on the back, but say to yourself, well, what could have I done better? Even if you door knock or you cold call and you don't get the right response. Well, what could, have I done differently? Did I ask all the right questions? And this I learned at an early age, and I feel like applying this really helps you develop. Don't be afraid of criticism and actually go seek it. If you really want to know how people feel about you, go ask others. Be like, Hey, I just want your honest feedback on what you thought about that conversation on what you thought. And I promise I won't get offended. I really genuinely want you to be honest with me and tell me what you felt as a third party or as the person on the receiving end, what I could have done better. And I feel from a leadership perspective, it really helps people grow when they do that. Amazing. A hundred percent. No, and well said. I meant to that. I think that that's the, that's the main focus, you know, on, on how you can be better every day. Now I I I, I'm glad you said it because that's I'm mantra, live by constant, never ending improvement. Now, in regards to a lot of the things that we were talking about, and again, it's just about leveraging, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because how can you leverage, how can you, how can you skip the, the years? How can you do something differently? And again, this is not reinventing the wheel per se, because a lot of people already are doing something great that you can apply. However, it's about leveraging mm-hmm. <affirmative>. If I've already built something that is working, whether it's in this industry, something else, but it's working and I have already built this network, how can I bring this model and present it to somebody that my benefit from it? So I started to apply that concept and I started to attach my brand with the brand of other successful brokers. I started to build this network where everybody wanted to kind of be a part of it. You know, they loved it. It's like, okay, good, you can do this. Fine. And then we started to build press that was showcasing their brand with our brand. Now I was grabbing this content, a property sold for $12 million in that article. My name super luxury group is there. I grabbed this piece and I start putting it on my social. I start sending it to my circle. I start introducing it and presenting to the people that have similar houses to that one saying that we can do the same. For them. So perception is reality. So. They inter they, yeah. And the interest became, you know, very high. And, and again, it was a hot market, so a lot of things were going on. But now I could be kind of like taking the chances to start bringing people and start referring, like, my main business, when it started, it was a lot of referrals because I was creating these leads, right? Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, I was already building and leveraging what I had so that I can start moving the needles efficiently. And it became a lot of fun. I was not the guy that was gonna be showing houses day I I never thought of it neither. I think right now. So <laugh>, I think I can do other things, uh, with my time. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, and whatever I love to do. But I'll tell you that when it comes to people coming to Miami, I wanted to also start racking those deals myself. So I said, how can I do that? And aside from just going through the process that I just explained mm-hmm.<affirmative>, I looked into something that made me completely unique, which is the fact that I was growing and attending all these different red carpet events outside of the usa Yeah. Outside of my, my real estate background. Which, or, or, or, or, uh, how you say the, the playground, right? Mm-hmm.<affirmative> here in Miami. So that's how this happened. That's how those deals came into fruition. Because when somebody was coming from Europe to Miami, they've already built a trust and a relationship with me through all the similarities and the experiences that we've been doing, whether it's been in a red carpet together, whether it's been in a yacht party together, whether it's hanging out in the best restaurants in south of France, whatever that case is, that builds a trust because you are living a similar lifestyle. They like your energy, they love what you're doing, and you are positioning yourself already with all these things that we were talking about as an authority. So people from Europe, when they see all of that, is like, my goodness, this is the guy. So when they came to Miami, I was providing not just the properties that they could be interested on, but anything they needed. You wanna be at the sexiest restaurant. I got you. You wanted this, you got you, you want this. I got you. So I was providing beyond that. And I was not put in my hands as a concierge guy because I don't consider myself a concierge yet. I, I provider, I provide things, I unlock opportunities, and I always care about what the needs could be for that person. Now, if I still position myself in real estate, that person is gonna look me specifically for that. Yeah. And that's one of the things that we ended up doing. And there was not even a question on whether they will find another girl that has a, a license or No. Because they're already deep into their relationship and it became fun. So. And you never lost a deal after that. Leveraging.<Laugh>. Huh? And you never lost a deal after that. That's it. Nobody called you say, Hey, I bought it from my cousin <laugh>. I'll tell you. I'll tell you a secret. I'll tell you one of my biggest secrets, which this is something that, it was amazing by the way. Like it's just showing you that you don't have to be 20 years in the industry and follow the script that people present you to get to that point. You know? And in my first year of real estate selling a 22 million home, it's something that few people can say. Absolutely. And that also helped me to then open up other opportunities. And aside from that, what I will tell you is that I've had, after that, people that have been working with me and still not been fully dec decided or buying or not. So one of my secrets is taking the skydiving because a guy that was like completely off, it's like, ah, you know what? Ever, like, I'm not sure, like prices are so high right now. Like, if I wait a little bit, I'm, you know, I said, Hey, all good my friend. And we were looking for home for a month.<Laugh>, <laugh> scared the Jesus, Jesus outta them. <laugh>, your life is short. You're gonna die right now. Just goodbye <laugh>. Go ahead. Ahead. This is, this is how we're gonna, this is how we're gonna tie up this conversation to do. Because there is a, a reason behind that as well. Not only you become an outlier, but it's about following your passions and do something that people see. Like, oh my God. But you're doing it with passion. You're not doing it for the sake of showing it to others. You're doing it because you love it and the impact that it has on you. And skydiving to me, it has such a huge impact. It just opens my possibilities. It expands my mind. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it just says my soul on fire. It makes me wanna live like the fullest and whatever my biggest dreams are to not wait to take action. So if that's the effect that skydiving is having on me, amazing. I was just curious on what the effect will be on other people. I was just wanting to share that secret source of a success or wanting to do more in life. So in this case, I said this was the first time it happened, by the way, but then it happened again all the time. <laugh>. But this time I, I said to him, why are you doing on Saturday? Oh, I don't know why I'm going skydiving. Do you wanna join? Oh no skydiving. You're crazy. I'm just like, ah, come on, you'll love it. And we ended up, I ended up building him into it. I'll pick you up. Whatever we ended up going, it's a two hour drive. That's a great timing to be speaking one-on-one. Yeah. Get to know more deeply. Yeah. Because it's, it's like going away from everything during this sacred spot, just driving towards something that is exciting. So they open up doing the jump, the person did the jump, landed his face. Completely different from what I've seen in the last month.<laugh> look like a kid, look like somebody that's finally is dreaming again. Somebody that is like wanting to just grab life and, and make the best out of it. Yeah. And you know what he told me? I didn't say nothing. I was just quiet, super excited, like, oh my God, so happy for you man, that, how was it so much fun? We got into the car, I turned on the car and he said, right away, eh, right away, bro, let's get that fucking house <laugh>. I'm like, whoa. That's amazing. Love it. Oh. That is. Was like, I was like, wow. Okay. So I sent a message to my sister, like, okay, game on. Let's go. Let's go another one. <laugh>. It was. It was, it was funny as hell. It was funny, you know, and then he went on and told me that why to wait. Like life is for now. Exactly. Not for in the future. Yep. And I avaro I love all the stories. I wanna respect your time. I know we said we have a hard stop. Uh, we actually want to bring you back cuz we Oh yeah. Would love to chat about the Ironman side. We'd love to chat about the skydiving, the licenses, the helicopter license, the<laugh> keynote speaking. There's so much that we haven't even touched yet. This is the, the first part. Um, but where can people find you? Yeah. Uh, and tell us a little bit about your socials. Where can they follow you? Where can they reach out and where can clients work with you if they are looking for luxury properties across Miami or yachts or helicopters, whatever they're looking for. You have to remember S SLG is a one-stop shop. Yep. You're dealing with just s slg and they will take care of anything and everything under the sun for you. So. Over. And if you, and, and before you say that, if you want to buy a property, make sure you go skydiving first.<Laugh>. Yeah. Yeah.<Laugh>. <laugh>. He's gonna take you skydiving. You buy guys. I'm having a lot of fun and Yes, it's true. I have to go cause I have to run to another thing. But I'm having such a great time here with you guys. And the fact is that we haven't even touched to what's going on now. <laugh>, like we just talked about what is going on. Like, we talked about the, we talked about the journey. Part. Two is gonna come part. I'm just gonna give a quick summary about something about S slg. We are the real estate powerhouse. But as you know, Peter, you're part of our network. We have different divisions. We have our real estate division where yes, we have a small team, but it's more like catered towards the celebrities and very high end. And again, it's not something that we are looking to build as a traditional brokerage. We keep it with the influencers that we have in our team. That's how we're feeding this whole thing. That's what generate leads. And those leads, we refer them most of the time to our network. Cause we have another division, which is our <inaudible> network, which is those real estate professionals from different GetSet locations, architect developers, interior designers, real estate brokers mm-hmm.<affirmative> that are very successful, like our good friend Peter. And, and look, what happens here is that we provide just anything that we could to bring exposure to help them connect with the right people, to generate leads, to work on different projects. Like we have our media and entertainment division. So as a marketing agency, we have that division, right? Like we have the different divisions. And now more recently we've launched our academy division where we are creating educational materials. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> not only for people that are already at a top level, but also that are starting with the intention to inspire, to educate and to help them grow in their business. Whether it's, you know, personal development with marketing, with business development, with networking with sales. And I'm not the guy that is gonna be telling you, oh, you need to do this, this, and that. That's what we have our members in our network to come and start educating and teaching and setting themselves also an authority because they earn it. And you, Peter, my friend, you've done it. So I'm appreciative of all your time as well. And on the side of s lg, that's clear. But on my side, as you can know, I'm doing a lot of other different things. So level Up, it became now, uh, bestselling outdoor, uh, book. It became very popular. It's getting a lot of traction. And I want to use that as a momentum to start, as we said at the beginning of this conversation, to do something bigger and more impactful towards our community. Right? Something that will light a fire inside somebody to wanna take action. And the book is, that's what it's about, right? It's about turning your obstacles into superpowers. It's about becoming the hero of your own story and making those dreams come true. Because so many people give up on their dreams so quickly. And I just believe that we have everything within us to make anything come true. So I just wanna leave you with that. Thank you guys. I appreciate it. We'll speak very soon. Wave. Tell me you said you, you said it. You said, I forgot, I forgot. Yes. You can find me online <laugh>. No, but honestly, you will put it in the, in the discuss. I was going to, I was going to actually say, yeah. So, so I follow you, you, I'm inspired by you, you know that and you've your friends for the past couple of years. And we chat constantly as well here and there. And, but I wanna say something to everybody, all the audience, uh, Vero is actually somebody that I i, that I inspire to as well. And what, because the, the life that you live in is in. And I enjoy every second of it that you are doing it. And not only you're doing it for yourself, you're living it out for everybody else to inspire other people, as you just said that and that, and that's just, uh, that shows character from you, even though when you started from the humble beginning, that created the empathy and you created the humanness that you have my friend, and you are passing that along to everybody else. And lot of people because unfortunately, world runs around negativity and constantly, and people think about it. And, and that has so much power on everybody's brain. And and to have somebody like you that's super positive about life. And at the end of the day, what do we need in life is whatever we do in life is that whatever journey, whatever you try to achieve, is for you to feel better and be happy. The happiness is the goal, right? So, so, and you are transpiring that through the world that you're doing with your book, my friend. And if everybody watching, you gotta get his book. And can. You hold your book out for us? Show a book, brother. Yeah. And I want, I want a signature one, by the way, from you. Yeah. Yeah. So when I come to May, I, I wanna come you, I, I wanna autograph. Watch and maybe we'll go skydiving when I'm there, <laugh>. Maybe my wife is gonna kill me if. Our wife's alive. Yeah. Yeah. He messaged me like, no, you are coming next, you're next <laugh>. I don't know if I'm gonna buy, buy anything, but I'll go. But anyways, I just wanna send my friend for everybody, please follow him on S slg Super Luxury Group. I'm gonna be gonna tag you everywhere. We're gonna put it into comment as well. And you are just completely inspirational human being, my friend. Keep on being you. That's. All I'm gonna say. Keep killing it. And I, I'm willing to bet any money by the time he's 40, he's gonna write another book. Oh yeah. And I already have a feeling because I said to Peter, the book actually gets better and better as you read it. Especially as you start to get into those last few chapters, that journey, how it evolves, how you evolve, right? From starting in the elementary age and then going on to something that's huge and bigger than life, uh, with Super luxury group and all the experiences that you've had. So thank you so much and thank you to all our audience for tuning in, listening to this wonderful episode of Art of Greatness and witnessing Avaro Nunez Greatness. We're gonna have the part two for. Sure. Part Two's, definitely. You guys, please like, follow, subscribe, and follow, SLG and Avaro, all the details are below. Hope you guys have a wonderful one and we'll see you in a few weeks, once again with a new guest and a new episode.

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